March 24, 2022
The League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear presented a virtual Hot Topics offering on “Medicaid Expansion, Why is it Important to You?” Participants gained an understanding of Medicaid expansion and why it is important to ALL North Carolinians:
- The difference between “transformation” and “expansion”
- How the Covid 19 pandemic has highlighted the urgency for expansion
- Where our North Carolina representatives stand on expansion and where voters can make a difference
Meet the Speakers
Michealle Gady, JD, is Founder, President, and CEO of Atrómitos, LLC. She takes nearly 20 years’ experience in health law and policy, program design and implementation, value-based care, and change management and puts it to work for Atrómitos’ partners who are trying to succeed during this time of dramatic transformation within the U.S. healthcare system.
Director of Care4Carolina, a statewide coalition of more than 50 organizations committed to finding a North Carolina solution for closing the health insurance coverage gap.
Althea Johnson, MSM, CEO of MedNorth Health Center, contributes a substantial depth of experience and dedication to the healthcare sector within MedNorth.
Katherine Kirby is the former Field Organizer of Planned Parenthood South Atlantic