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A Look at North Carolina’s Healthy Opportunities Medicaid Pilot
North Carolina is a year into its implementation of its Healthy Opportunities 1115(b) Medicaid Demonstration Pilot, the first Medicaid program to directly finance the delivery of health-related social needs. In AHLA’s Speaking of Health Law podcast, Leah Mayo, from UNCW, speaks with Atrómitos’ Tina Simpson and Sarah Ridout, the Healthy Opportunities Program Director at Community Care of the Lower Cape Fear, one of the three regional Network Leads responsible for implementing the pilot in North Carolina.

Straight Talk On Tech: Implementing IT In Healthcare
Providers’ most critical decisions are health information technology selection, purchase, and implementation. It is also expensive, time-consuming, and requires a new suite of operational and technical skills. Panelists discuss best practices for navigating this process and share insights for product evaluation, contract negotiations and change management principles to aid you in your subsequent implementation.

National DPP & CHCS: Implementation & Sustainability
Atrómitos and Evolve Health Strategists facilitated training for FQHCs and LALs on the benefits of implementing the National DPP lifestyle change program. The training also covered operational factors FQHCs and LALs should consider to effectively and sustainably implement the program.

In The Balance: Interoperability & Security
Atrómitos Principal, Tina Simpson, joined Lori Wright, Arnall Golden Gregory’s partner and Chair of the Technology practice, to discuss the recent implementation of the CMS Interoperability and Patient Right of Access final rules and provide practical advice on how organizations can best confront this emerging adaptive challenge.

Technology-Based Care Solutions
COVID-19 accelerated the need for innovative approaches to delivering care remotely. This presentation highlights opportunities for providers and health plans to leverage telehealth collaboratively. The session includes reviewing how the pandemic changed telehealth policy, allowing for increased access to telehealth services and how a post-pandemic policy environment looks.

There’s An App For That: Opportunities & Obstacles In Health Technology
It is no longer enough for physicians and other healthcare providers to rely upon their hard-won clinical expertise and experience in delivering care: information technology and data analytics capabilities are indispensable to modern healthcare delivery. This means providers can only engage in meaningful quality-of-care analytics, population health delivery, and value-based payment with a full suite of informatics.

Healing Our Communities: Bringing Health To Our Neighbors Now!
Catch up on this virtual town hall, where we explored how we can heal our communities through Medicaid expansion and how your action to expand Medicaid helps meet the needs of our community. The NHC Commission hosted this event for Women and the LWV-LCF.

Principles of Effective Negotiations: How to Prepare & Execute a Successful PHP Contracting Strategy
As North Carolina transitions to a managed Medicaid program, Medicaid providers will need to engage in contract negotiations with up to five prepaid health plans (PHPs), depending on which Medicaid region they are located in. This is likely a new and potentially daunting experience for safety-net providers across the state.

A Revolutionary Recalibration: HIPAA & Interoperability
HIPAA has a reputation as an operational impediment to the ease of exchange of patient health information across providers and systems. But, it wasn’t intended to be; when passed in 1996, interoperability of medical records was one of the primary stated objectives of the legislation.

Understanding North Carolina’s Medicaid Transformation In The Context Of Federal Medicaid Regulation
Medicaid is jointly administered by the federal and state governments, with each state helping its program under federal rules. Managed care, a foundational building block of North Carolina’s Medicaid Transformation, is an authorized Medicaid delivery model under Section 1932 of the Social Security Act and allows for the state to delegate the administration of Medicaid to private insurance companies.

The What, Why, & How Of North Carolina Medicaid Transformation
Medicaid is foundational to our social safety net. It plays an integral role in our healthcare system as the primary payer for long-term care and covers more than half of the births in North Carolina. Changing such an effective program has significant implications for everyone – not just those covered by the program or healthcare providers.

Medicaid Expansion & You
Check out his webinar in partnership with the League of Women Voters of Lower Cape Fear on Medicaid Expansion, why it matters to you, and how you can take action now.

Value-Based Care 201: Preparedness For & Implementation Of VBC Models
Understand the NC Medicaid quality and payment strategy. Review the expectations and readiness of the NC Medicaid stakeholders. Learn the key operational capabilities of VBC. Understand the responsibilities of Medicaid contracting and payment. The review recommended the next steps for VBC readiness.

Value-Based Care 101: Understanding & Preparing For Alternative Payment Models
Understand what value-based care is and why there is a value-based care movement. Explore the nationally accepted principles of value-based care. Learn about the philosophy and framework of the HCP-LAN Alternative Payment Model and review the current state of VBC initiatives.